Worship Team Camp
The weekly “grind” of planning worship services can wear even the strongest down. I know, and can relate to the challenge. Let’s connect and talk through how best to evaluate, envision, and empower your team to think differently and effectively lead your congregation into deeper, more meaningful faith!
Organizing a team of volunteer artists to lead your congregation is an extremely difficult task. With humility, grace and forward thinking, you can assemble a team of motivated and passionate leaders!
Diversifying the sound, perhaps asking some current members to play other instruments- Not having so many trying to play/sing the same note! I'm going to borrow a couple items from Dayspring so we can experiment.
Discussing contemporary styles and instrumentation-- which may go against "our preferences", and even our skill set.
Discuss and explore the ideas of “Sacramental” worship, and “Charismatic” worship— Depth AND Height!
Establishing regularity in leadership and rotation-- (four weeks, four different teams and leaders is good in some ways, but not good in many others)
Discussing song selection and how new songs are going to be introduced. (I can't wait to see your library of content, and I will also bring some songs I think are good to have in the library if you don't have them yet.)
Worship team physical placement and sound dynamics of the sanctuary. Let's try to maximize/optimize what we have to work with!
Introduce four considerations for worship: Relevance, Reverence, Approach-ability, Authenticity These are often conflicting goals in our mindsets. This is where your input will be vital-- Hearing from you will be great for the team.
Technology and the use of some tools to assist the team. Discussion of budget for these things may come up also-- so know that I promise not break the bank! LOL.
Transitions within the service-- Helicopter, or Airplane ride? (metaphor I'll explain!)
Suggested Schedule:
6-7pm Dinner Together!
7:00-8:00pm Slide presentation/Discussion (seated, tables if possible)
8:30-8:45 Prayer Warm up Holy Spirit
8:45-9:45 Discussion, survey results, Discuss Leadership/Team rotations
9:45-10:15 Experiments with Location changes
10:15- 11:15 Play some music Work with sound dynamics
11:15-12:00 noon More music Questions/Close up.