
A wonderful new endeavor I'm involved with!

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Dayspring Music Ministry is a new non-profit organization I have helped to create. My friend Rex had a dream where he saw people who were lonely, hurting and dying in a health facility. He observed the pain and loneliness they were feeling. But then the atmosphere and tone of the scene changed when a small box began playing Christian hymns in the middle of a room. Everyone around was attracted to the music, and they began singing together and feeling better! The “Dayspring Music Box” is the result of his vision. It’s a simple .mp3 player, loaded with either traditional hymns or Christmas carols. Each series of songs also include scripture readings from the Bible. It can be charged and replayed over and over. These classic songs bring back fond memories for even patients suffering with memory issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It being used in nursing homes, hospitals, funeral homes, and hospice care facilities— in addition to many homes across the country. More in formation can be found at our website: http://dayspringmusicbox.com