Jonah 3 Running alongside God!
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve really come to appreciate the game of golf, the challenge that it represents— it was frustrating for me to play as a young man— but I’ve learned patience, and to forgive myself when I hit a bad shot.
In golf, there is a gift called a “mulligan”. A mulligan is kind of like a “do-over”. The past few weeks, we’ve been studying about Jonah— He was a guy that has received a mulligan in life. Jonah 3:1 might be one of the greatest verses in the whole chapter: “The word of the Lord came to Jonah once again”. He gets another chance!
After all that Jonah has done, running away, causing harm to himself, and even those around him— descending into a very dark and deep place. He turns back to God, and God gives him another chance. Maybe you feel like you’ve really messed up. We all have, but let’s praise God today for the “mulligans”. There are some powerful lessons that the book of Jonah can teach all of us.
Never forget: God can use anyone, anytime, anywhere. Even after a divorce— God can use you. Even after that abortion, God can use you. Even after some other moral failure, God can use you. Even after that whole decade of addiction— he’s the God of second chances. But a truth that we need to realize is that: God gives Jonah the same exact assignment.
Yes, he gives Jonah a second chance— but the directions are still the same. He says GO to Nineveh— and do it now. He doesn’t change the message— It’s the same in chapter 3 as it was in chapter 1.
Jonah makes his way to the great city. We might think that he has a mighty powerful message to deliver. Maybe he will share what God has done for him, that he’s been inside a whale! But Jonah’s message is simple: “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” Period. That’s it? That’s it. But did it work? Yes, it did work! Everyone in the city is remorseful, they repented and turned away from evil. The King made a decree that everyone should change! How did that message work? How could that have made any difference to these people? The answer? GOD. They have been prepared by God to hear what Jonah had to say. Jonah just says what God told him to say—that’s all. They all believed and repented. Done.
Not because Jonah had selected just the right way to bring the message— Not because he is some grand wonderful preacher to form just the right argument to convince everyone— But because God was preparing the circumstances and their hearts to hear from him. Please remember, God is working in the lives of everyone you meet. He is preparing them to hear from you!
I promise you— God is always working, doing things that you and I cannot see— so that people will be open and ready to hear the message that you have.
What does all this mean for us today? Think of that family member that seems so far away from God right now? You know that coworker, or neighbor, who you know would really need to get connected to God?
Who will you boldly share Jesus with this week?
Does your Nineveh have a name?