Study this photo— it’s a stereogram, or a computer generated image pattern that reveals a hidden 3-Dimensional picture!
Tuesday Tune-up!
Pastor Charlie covered Mark 4:21-41 this week. He explained the passage in three stages:
Conceptual- Learn about the “kingdom of God”.
Jesus, and our growing knowledge of him, are the “light” that should never be placed in hiding. No, we should seek to be “fertile” to accept the seeds of God’s wisdom and love, and then multiply it all thirty-fold, sixty-fold, and one hundred fold!
Jesus reminds us that everything, including himself, although may be hidden at first, will be revealed. Charlie also reminded us of the statement Pastor Jim made back in January:
“We carry a glory to be revealed, not a secret to be hidden!”
Practical- Do you have ears to hear?
Jesus taught that the “measure” we use in learning from him will be measured back to us. Don’t approach God with a “tea-cup”, instead be like Charlie suggests and bring in the fifty-five gallon barrell and ask God to fill you up!
We need to spend time to focus on God’s word. Much like a “stereogram”, it sometimes takes time, and practice to fully “see what we hear”? Attached at the top of the email is the actual stereogram used on Sunday. Can you see what the wonderful three dimensional picture shows?
Further in this section, Jesus shares two more agricultural parables, the “growing seed”, and the “mustard seed”
The growing seed reminds us that even though a farmer plants, he doesn’t know how the plant sprouts, grows leaves, and then ripens to be harvested! This should teach us that when we share our faith and love for Jesus with others, we really don’t understand if or how the person will understand and apply it to their own heart. That is a job reserved for the Holy Spirit alone!
The mustard seed parable is an excellent example of how things work in the kingdom of God. Like this small and pervasive seed (mustard) can grow to be a very large tree where birds can perch, so our smallest efforts of learning, growing and having faith can and will show great dividends in the future.
Charlie introduced his “mustard seed goal sheet”. He uses this to “check-off” several goals he has set every day of a month. Try it for the season of Lent, see if God blesses your smallest daily commitments, just like the mustard seed principle!
Additional copies of the sheet can be found here: Mustard Seed Goal Sheet
After teaching all day, Jesus instructs his disciples that they will travel across the Sea of Galilee. So loaded up in the boats, the men encounter a terrifying storm. Jesus is asleep on a cushion, but is awoken by his disciples. “Don’t you care that we are perishing?” they ask him. He wakes, rebukes the wind and sea to calm, and then has a question for them as well: “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” We all face storms and fearful circumstances in life. But Jesus is more than able to handle all of it. He expresses his authority, and echos Psalm 107:23-30 in being the Messiah!
Take heart today, we serve a powerful and mighty Savior! Let’s pray together to have “ears to hear” His voice!