Running Back to God, thoughts on Jonah 2

Jonah has been running in disobedience. God sent a big storm, the sailors panicked, Jonah is

thrown overboard. All seems lost…but God has a few more things planned. God appoints a

great fish to swallow Jonah.

You may ask, “Why is God doing this to him?” Isn’t the storm and this terrible swim enough?

Jonah did seem to come to his senses, he confesses what he knows to the sailors. God has

Jonah in the belly of a huge fish. Can you imagine? God is bringing Jonah back. God is not being

mean, he is showing mercy. The same thing has happened to some of us; God is getting our


Here is a universal truth, one that Jonah learned that day:

It’s never too late to pray.

We are no different. When we find ourselves in the toughest positions, the most difficult of

times, then we pray. Some of you are facing that kind of trouble right now. Just like

Jonah—maybe the circumstances of your life have caused you to stop running and pay

attention to God. Sometimes it doesn’t really matter what you may believe about God— but

the strain of the situation causes us to cry out to God. God will always hear the cries of his


God will always hear us, because he always loves us. The miracle of prayer is not that

we can talk to God— it’s that God is listening to us! If you feel like you are running away from

God— you need to know today that God is listening, and he does hear you- Even in the depth of

your pain.

Sometimes in my life, I’ve run away from God, and I’ve gotten myself into some deep pits. I

never was swallowed by a fish, but I know that no matter how lost I felt, God’s grace was there

for me—All I had to do was ask for it. Jonah had done a lot of “going down”. He went down,

down, down— To the roots of the mountains. That’s pretty low. As low as he got in the belly of

a fish, he prays to God—and he starts to look up! He repents to God and renews his promise,

and states that he will do what God told him to do!

God’s love never fails us— but his discipline always has a purpose. Remember, Jonah did stay

in that fish for three days and three nights!

Jonah’s story is here to remind us that God is not paying you back— he’s bringing you back.

Sometimes that is the only way we can grow. Praise God that He gives second chances.

God commands that fish— to spit him back out onto the shore. Who knows how that could

happen, but it did. Jonah is alive.

Our God is the God of multiple chances!

We don’t take advantage of that.

No matter how deep you may end up— He still has a plan and a purpose for

your life. Because he loves you.

Run back to God today. Don’t wait.

The Runner in us All, thoughts on Jonah chapter 1

Jonah 1: “The Runner in us All” Pastor Charlie Grimes, Walnut Creek Mennonite Church

This week we begin a four-week series in the Old Testament book of Jonah. We all remember this exciting bible story! There is a gigantic fish (or whale) that swallows Jonah up. But it is more than a family-friendly fairy tale. Though it is only four chapters long it is one of the most unique and fascinating texts in the whole Bible.

Named after the main character, Jonah, the book shows God’s concern and grace to all people. Repentance and forgiveness come through in Jonah’s relationship with the Lord, in the repentance shown by those living in Nineveh, and in God’s response to their repentance.

The book begins with divine communication. The Lord instructs Jonah to “Go at once to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before me.” Nineveh would mean something significant to Jonah. It was the capital of the Assyrian Empire. Nineveh is the symbolic home of everything evil, hateful, and idolatrous.

A first point that we need to consider today: God may ask you to do things that you do not want to do.

To a Jewish person, Nineveh is the last place anyone would want to go. Jonah goes down to Joppa. He buys a ticket on a ship headed for Tarshish. “Away from the presence of the Lord.”

God says go east; Jonah goes west. God sends him to Nineveh, but instead Jonah books his ticket in the opposite direction. Like Jonah, we too run from God sometimes.

A second point we need to remember: If you want it, you can always find a boat sailing in the wrong direction. Our world is full of distractions and temptations. Are there situations and people that the Spirit nudges us towards, but we just cannot bring ourselves to go to? We all have our own Nineveh’s. We all have our zones of extreme discomfort, things that God is calling us to. But we run away. However, please remember you can run from God, but you cannot outrun God. God may send a storm to get your attention. When we run from God, life begins to unravel. We stop hearing God’s voice. God sends a storm so strong that it threatens to break the ship apart.

Have you ever felt like the entire world was against you? I have. Do you know that if you have stopped listening to the words of God— God may use all manner of ways to get your attention. The crew figures out that the storm is all Jonah’s fault. The answer comes to us in the final scene of the interaction, but it is a bit unexpected. “Pick me up,” Jonah replies. “Pick me up and toss me overboard. This whole thing is my fault.” Jonah was not wrong. As soon as he splashes against the surface of the water, God calmed the storm.

To top it all off, Jonah is not punished. He is rescued. God sends a fish who swallows him up in an act of grace. God stays involved in our lives not to pay us back, but to bring us back. He does not chase you— but he goes ahead of you! God was there for Jonah, and he is there for you.

In the next few weeks— we are going to see what coming back to God can look like. Finding His forgiveness and obeying him once again. May God bless you today!


You Are a Masterpiece


You Are a Masterpiece

Intro story can be found here:

A South Korean couple mistakenly tarnished a half-million dollar American artwork when they painted over it.

“They thought they were allowed to do that as participatory art and made a mistake,” said Kang Wook, head of the exhibit at Seoul’s Lotte World Mall, where the accidental vandalism took place. The damaged 95-by-275-inch untitled piece was painted by a Harlem-born graffiti artist named John Andrew Perello, before a live audience in 2016 — and is valued at a whopping $500,000.

Arranged in front of the abstract opus were the paint cans and brushes used in its creation. They’re considered part of the piece, which may have given the aforementioned pair the wrong impression.

Indeed,  video footage shows the impromptu impressionists picking up the tools and adding their own dashes of paint to the work. The video clip concludes with a closeup of the “reimagined” artwork, which now sports three ugly black splotches.

The artwork was splashed with paint by two people who apparently didn’t realize that their contributions were not appropriate.

After reviewing the video clip, gallery authorities apprehended the would be vandals at the mall. However, they subsequently turned them loose when the gallery decided not to press charges, as the graffiti job appeared to be an innocent mistake.

“We are currently in discussions with the artist about whether to restore it, or leave it” said Kang of the damaged display.

In the meantime, they’ve now cordoned off the exhibit with wire fencing and put up a “Do Not Touch” sign to deter others from adding their own splashes of color.

On the bright side, the incident has reportedly prompted a surge in inquiries about the display, and this artists work.

Today, friend, I would like to talk to you about a very important person.  A person that is unique and skillful, gifted and talented-- a person who is so special, that there isn’t anyone else in the entire universe just like them---They have the potential to change the world-- in small ways-- or even in big ways…  They are truly a masterpiece of a creation.  You know who that person is--  It’s you.      I’m here today to remind you (I think we often need to be reminded) that you are unique and extraordinarily valuable!  It’s you that are indeed this priceless piece of artwork.  

Yes, God created you, YOU, just as you are, and He did an excellent job. There’s no one else like you, and that’s fantastic! You are one-of-a-kind!

I want you to envision yourself as this wonderful and unique piece of art I mentioned before.  You were created by the master artist, God himself.   Ephesians 2:10

“10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.’

Did you catch that-- you are God’s handiwork-- his creation-- and you have a purpose to walk in.   There are way too many times when I know I’ve forgotten this simple truth-- and I might have left some paints and brushes out for just anyone to come along and mar my identity-- cover over my uniqueness-- or worse yet, try to re-define, or re-shape who I am.  I’m so glad you are listening today-- because if you’ve ever felt like you’re allowing or even asking someone else to tell you who you are-- I’ve got just the encouraging word for you today.  

Another great passage that emphasizes some truth about who we really are---is Psalm 139:13-16   I love the whole passage, but these specific verses are powerful to think on:

13For you formed my inward parts;

you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

14I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.a

Wonderful are your works;

my soul knows it very well.

15My frame was not hidden from you,

when I was being made in secret,

intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

16Your eyes saw my unformed substance;

in your book were written, every one of them,

the days that were formed for me,

when as yet there was none of them.


I think we all understand and can be familiar with the first part of the passage-- I realize and can fully accept that God’s creative process starts even at the minute cellular level.  Like when the sperm of my dad met the egg of my mom--  But did you catch the concept in verse 16?  Basically I read that as--

God saw the whole breadth of your life-- AND THEN  knit you together-- God saw and knows all the days, before they even happened-- and uniquely equipped you, built you, created you with those days in mind.   

Earlier in the psalm when David says-- I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made-- he really says something powerful.

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Another great project that I’m working on:

Verse a Day podcast-- a daily scripture reading, brief devotional thought, and prayer-- its a free audio compliment to the website.  I’m working with another pastor named Phil Ware and his team to produce his writing in a daily dose of inspiration.  Please check it out and join me for this small, but powerful  reflection.

7 Characteristics of a Soul "Passionate" about God.

Psalm 63 1.png

7 Characteristics of a Soul “Passionate” about God

2 Sam 15:30-37   Context for this Psalm.  

This Psalm reminds us that nothing should hinder our passion for God. King David found himself in a wilderness fleeing from his own son Absalom, but he remained passionate about God.


The word “passion” means to be animated, vivacious or enthusiastic. “Enthusiasm” comes from the word; en theos...which means; in God or possessed by God. All other enthusiasm follows our enthusiasm for God. Who or what are you passionate about?

7 marks of a soul passionate towards God:

I. Makes God a priority (vs 1-2)

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;

my soul thirsts for you;

my flesh faints for you,

as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

2So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,

beholding your power and glory.

II. Gives praise to God! (vs 3-4)

Because your steadfast love is better than life,

my lips will praise you.

4So I will bless you as long as I live;

in your name I will lift up my hands.

III. Finds pleasure in God (vs 5) 

My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,

and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,

IV. Is preoccupied with God! (vs 6-7) 

when I remember you upon my bed,

and meditate on you in the watches of the night;

7for you have been my help,

and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.

V. It pursues after God (vs 8)

My soul clings to you;

your right hand upholds me.

VI. perseveres with God (vs 8) (Thy right hand upholds me)

VII. positioned under God (vs 9-11)

But those who seek to destroy my life

shall go down into the depths of the earth;

10they shall be given over to the power of the sword;

they shall be a portion for jackals.

11But the king shall rejoice in God;

all who swear by him shall exult,

for the mouths of liars will be stopped.


Romans 3:19

19Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God.

The Walk-on Method to Business and Career success with Jim Roddy!


Since 1999, Jim Roddy has educated business leaders through national magazine articles, online columns, webinars, podcasts, video interviews, and presentations at national conferences.

Jim is author of the books Hire Like You Just Beat Cancer and The Walk-On Method To Career & Business Success. He has been a guest on the Read To Lead podcast and has been published by Entrepreneur and Nasdaq. Jim has interviewed best-selling business authors Chip Heath (Made To Stick, Switch, Decisive, The Power of Moments) and Michael Gerber (The E-Myth, Awakening The Entrepreneur Within), hosting with Mr. Gerber a series of webinars and podcasts that attracted 1,000+ executives.

Jim is a popular keynote speaker and moderator because of his business knowledge and a presentation style that is "infotaining" -- a combination of informational and entertaining. Jim is regularly requested to moderate keynote panel discussions featuring executives from companies such as BlueStar, ScanSource, HP, NCR, and IBM.

Jim joined Jameson Publishing in 1998 as the managing editor for Business Solutions Magazine. He was elevated to operations manager in 2002 and then served as president/general manager from 2006-2016. Prior to working at Jameson, he was a small-business owner in northwestern Pennsylvania.

In 2016, Jim launched a business advisory program to serve partners of Worldpay, one of the world's leading payment processing and technology providers. In 2019, Jim joined the RSPA (Retail Solutions Providers Association) as the Vice President of Sales & Marketing and as one of the association's business coaches. He works with high-initiative, growth-oriented companies to help them uncover their blind spots with customers, employees, and business best practices. Then he applies his 25+ years of business management experience, executive leadership, and industry expertise to help them get better.

Jim is a graduate of Gannon University in Erie, PA, where he was a walk-on member of the men's basketball team for four years and sports editor of the student newspaper for three years.

5 steps to the Walk-on method :

#1  Take a Big Shot-    anybody can make the layup

How can a young entrepreneur, leader apply this concept?

#2 Make a passion statement-  prepare, practice and play with passion

What is your advice for younger leaders to apply this today in their lives?

#3 Run uphill- takes longer, makes you stronger

Give us some examples of what this looks like in the business world?

#4 No fuss, all MUS  (Max Unique Strengths)

How have you done this in your own career?

#5 Make them throw you out of the gym-   Never, ever, ever, ever quit.

What makes a person “gritty”?   Passion and perseverance!

Jim Roddy is an author, keynote speaker, podcast host, moderator, business coach, and consultant. He works with high-initiative, growth-oriented organization...

Charles R. Grimes is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Laughter is good medicine, with Dave Ebert

Dave is an improv performer, improv coach, credentialed minister, and podcast host based in the Chicago suburbs. After nearly two decades of battling with depression and suicidal ideations, Dave made the life-changing decision to pursue God. He says, “At that point, I wrestled with this choice: I could take my life…or I could give my life. I finally made the right decision and gave my life to the Lord.” Shortly after this decision,

Dave relocated back to Chicago in 2013, when he founded Well Versed Comedy, an improv comedy ministry troupe. Doing comedy is his primary passion for reaching people, either to uplift and encourage fellow Christians, or to bring light, laughter, and joy to non-Christians. Most of his life, Dave covered his depression with humor. He used it to make others feel better while disguising how he truly felt inside. Dave often tells his testimony by saying, “I used to use comedy to hide who I was, but now I use comedy to reveal Who He is.”

On top of performing improv, Dave volunteers at an organization for women who have survived sex trafficking. There, he teaches improv to the survivors to help improve communication skills, creativity, self-confidence, and, if nothing else, give the women a chance to laugh without care for an hour a month. He married his wife Bobbie in June 2015, and they live together in Crest Hill, Ill., with their three cats.

Dave Ebert is a former professional wrestler, comedian, improv coach, credentialed minister, and podcast host based in the Chicago suburbs. He and I talk about his long-time battle with depression and how laughter can indeed be good medicine-- you wont' want to miss it!

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Charles R. Grimes is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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